The Palmtop Tiger

That's what I was basing it off of, "Otaku." It seemed like the most logical pronunciation.

Out of curiosity, why can't those individuals be around? Is your sister younger than you?

Was an official pronunciation ever actually released? I go with koh-TA-ku

Gamegear was like the cookie monster on crack, but look at all those pretty colors!

I'm not big on these added civs. The vast majority of the modded civs still use default models, which kinda takes away from the experience. There are a few good ones though,

Point taken, I can definitely see that happening here, as I've seen it on other sites. I wish that there was a system which would work without that happening though.

Interesting, thanks for the info. Considering that so many PCs have multi-core CPUs, why wouldn't games take advantage of that?

As well as Zeboyd's other games.

It's weird, some of the best turn-based jrpgs in the past few years have come out of the west.

For whatever reason, I don't think that AMD is taken very seriously in my area. I recently built a new PC, in which I put an AMD FX 8350 CPU (which is less than a year old,) and both my friends, and the reps at Microcenter cringed when I asked them to grab the box from behind the display case. In terms of performance,

As long as we're on the subject of Sci-Fi; does anyone know a legitimate place (aka legal) where I can watch V online? Neither Hulu or Netflix have it, and I really want to watch it, but I hate dealing with illegitimate sites, in addition to the legality issue, their quality isn't generally great.

But the more big sites like this begin to take action - Gawker Media, which we're a part of, has been pushing for better comments as part of our redesign - and the more big sites that follow in their stead, the more the racists, bigots and trolls will be cleared from plain sight, leaving internet discussion clear for,

I think the biggest problem with the series is the pacing. I'm still watching it, but I think it could be better.

They see their parents using the device and they want to touch it themselves.

I'm still using my Zune HD on a daily basis, and my first gen brick-sized Zune is in perfect working condition, and my dad uses it when he goes to the beach.

Christ, Mario has some freaky hands. How can Mario's hands and Peach's hands exist in the same universe?

Nope, you'll think you've spotted it, but there is just another lurking around every corner.

A combination between Eddard and Ned.

Spoken like someone who knows literally nothing about the series. It's okay, but you should probably refrain from making comments when you don't know anything on the subject.

It'd be silly to buy the Wii U version of Scribblenauts considering that the PC version is like half the price of console versions. It also has really low system requirements, so any pc made after like 2005 could probably run it. I almost bought Scribblenauts Unlimited on Wii U until I discovered the huge price