The Palmtop Tiger

The trouble with copyright and trademark laws is that it is "use it or lose it". If you want great examples of the consequences of not properly securing your property then take a look at Aspirin (Bayer,) Zippers (Goodrich,) Yo-Yos (Duncan,) and TV Dinners (Swanson.) It is unfortunate, but if the copyright holder is

INB4 people saying that GameStop is just being nice by offering him a collector's edition. A hint; it's for cheap publicity, and I don't blame them, nice move.

I still have my launch 360. It got the RRoD twice, and after like 5 years the ethernet port gave out (which is a weird thing to fail,) so online play is no longer an option, and I'm no longer under warranty, so I can't even get it repaired. It otherwise works fine though. I use my original 360 for games which are

Agreed, you will never find a bank app, my social security, credit card info, or any other sensitive information on my phone. The most you'll find on my phone is my Facebook account, which doesn't have any personal info beyond photos and the general area I live in, which are publicly available anyway.

Wow, lots of responses saying the same thing. I wasn't aware that Apple implemented this security feature in ios7, it is definitely a good move. Thanks for the info.

Considering that Theatrythm is non-cannon and all of the games are made by Square, why not throw them all together?

Here's the thing I don't understand, is this security really necessary? If I was a crook who got his hands on an iPhone, I wouldn't give a damn about what is in the iPhone, just the hardware. I'd take that puppy home and reformat it, and boom, password gone. The only time I can see these passwords being even

I'm more of an Arby's guy myself. Best fast-food burger goes to Five Guys, hands down, but they're just as expensive as Chipotle. It just goes to show, you get what you pay for.

I don't think it is that strange, think about what he did before Game of Thrones. First time I saw him was as the mean author in Elf (with Will Ferrel,) and he was the antagonist in the relatively recent Underdog movie. Sesame street has also been getting a lot of big name celebs in recent years, so this was a good

I have my library in levels of completion. E.G: Beaten, Almost Done, Well In To It, Started, Not Started

Interesting prices, in my area $6.55 is the starting price (chicken and veggie with no expensive ingredients,) but it can reach $9.12 if you go for the more expensive meats and guacamole. In comparison, a regular cheeseburger with onions at McDonald's is $1. You can get significantly more food at McDonald's for the

I like the visualization, nice job on that one.

The problem isn't only the model though, it is also the fact that you're asking to replace a refurb with a new one. I don't doubt that a new iPhone has a longer warranty, and refurbs can have a lot of problems which they probably wouldn't have checked for/fixed. By buying a refurb you're getting a device with a

You'd be out of your mind to think that they'd bump you up to a 5c for $150. You should've asked for a raincheck, or if you really needed an iphone go for an earlier model. Side-note, where did you find an iPhone 5 for $150, whether locked or unlocked, I can't seem to find it at that price anywhere.

INB4 this lady gets disciplinary action. The guy was a dick, but this is no way to handle a customer. Threatening to release someone's name and email to the public is ridiculous.

The biggest bummer is that we're likely never to get (or at least not for a long time) a good PS3 emulator. PS1 and 2 emulators can scale up graphics to 1080p and implement some pretty decent AA, but there aren't even any PS3 emulators that can play commercial (or homebrew, really) games yet. When they actually get an

A lot of people don't have big pc monitors. I personally know people who buy games twice just so that they can play it on different systems. At least two of my friends bought GTA 5 on a console, and are planning on buying it again on PC for the convenience. Some people are crazy.

Yeah, I think that is just her personality. Out of all the videos of her I've seen, she doesn't seem like the warm and cuddly type, though that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Squall and Tidus? Those characters are so different that they have almost nothing in common, with the exception of strangely angular hair.