The Palmtop Tiger

I never expected Nintendo to give me something for being an early buyer, but it would've been nice. I would've taken it as an act of good faith and it would've lessened my rage over the complete and utter lack of any good software over the past year. I wouldn't call this quick price drop a slap in the face, but it

As Piccoroz said, we got 30-cent Virtual Console games for a while, so that's awesome.

That is definitely a valid question. I'm positive that less than 1/4 of the players paid for anything, but I bet you anything that at least half of those who did pay were whales.

As someone who actually likes Metroidvania games like Cave Story and La Mulana, I've been excited for this game since I heard about it a few months ago.

I can't really tell if I like them. The camera is kinda out of focus. Hopefully Schafer or Double Fine post some nice photos of them because I'd be highly interested in purchasing.

Vine is actually owned by Twitter, so nice comparison there.

I was having this problem last night as well. It seems to be alright now. To people suggesting to shut off add-ons, and clear the cache, I had already tried both and neither worked. Also, the problem didn't always occur; sometimes it would be there and if I refreshed it might fix it, and the opposite was also true.

I don't really think it is, gender lines are blurring. If this is strange then the opposite is as well. What's strange is our overreaction to male cosplayers as female characters and not female cosplayers as male characters. Also, as far as female characters in video games go, C Viper is very tame; I'd be curious to

The fact that she's in her early-mid-20s doesn't mean anything. I'm 20, and two close friends from my graduating class are married, 3 friends have kids, 3 people I know are graduating from West Point in a year, and countless others are overseas in different branches of the armed forces. I also know of another 4

True, that'd be nice. I guess it would make a lot more work for Gamefreak since then they'd actually have to work on collision, and since Pokemon purchases are pretty much guaranteed as is, they don't really need to do it to push numbers.

This could be the Pokemon game I've waited 4 generations for. It's about time they added some actual choreographed moves.

Wind Waker's popularity has been really weird. Prior to, and for a while after release it was considered one of the worst LoZ games (not including CD-i). Now the general consensus is that Wind Waker is one of the best LoZ games ever, and I don't really understand the transformation. Wind Waker was always one of my

Woah buddy, time for some punctuation. I give your essay a D+ because it had an unclear thesis statement and terrible grammar.

I'm not sure I see the issue. Women cosplay as male characters all the time, so why can't the opposite be true?

What kind of nonsense am I reading?

lol I didn't even pick up on your username.

Interesting; although I'm not actually talking about the Jojo game.

Iggy is a monster on Salty Bet. Always bet on hitbox

I bought all 4 episodes, the first 3 were at the same time. I tried 1 and 2, but couldn't get in to them, but I was able to jump in to 3 without any trouble understanding the story. I've yet to beat 4, but I'm getting there. As you're playing, keep in mind that this is coming from Penny Arcade, a webcomic series, so

Can someone explain this situation to me? This is the first I hear of this game, and judging by the Kickstarter page that I just read through, I don't get the indication that this project is in any way shady. I'd like to see a fact check on their claim to have worked on so many Telltale and EA projects, but if they