The Palmtop Tiger

A few notes when reading the anime I'm gonna list; some are going to be mainstream, while others haven't been aired in the US, some are old and some are new. Some of the stuff might not even be good when compared to some of the stuff coming out today, but it was influential, and for that reason alone it will continue

This guy is really awesome, I've been following him for over a year at this point. Some of his stuff is better than others, but all of it deserves to be listened to at least once if you liked this video.

I think that is a fair assessment.

Wow, congrats to all those who got greenlit. I have to say though, I wish that games were greenlit more frequently and in smaller batches. 100 games in one go is a bit overwhelming.

I forgot exactly how this came about, but a few months ago my friend said he was going to get a Wii U. Me, knowing that he's a broke-ass, asked how he was going to afford a $350 system. He responded by saying that he wasn't going to buy the system, that he was just going to buy the controller and use it with his

As long as we're going with annoying and undeserving characters.

If they make an XL edition then I'll buy it. I am completely uninterested in the 3d feature, and after using it for about an hour I began getting a headache, so this is pretty convenient for me. I don't like that it won't fit in my pocket, it kinda defeats the purpose of a handheld but w/e.

I already have a Wii U, so this doesn't really affect me. Saving $10 on a handful of games which I don't plan on getting doesn't do anything for me either. The reason that the Wii U isn't selling is a lack of good software. There really haven't been any huge titles released which can draw big crowds. Off the top of my

It isn't strange, but then you may end up in a position where you either need to pay a high price for a good product, buy a cheap product, or go without said device until a good one goes on sale.

They're serial grandma killers, jeez, it's like you don't even take these stories seriously.

It'll remain a masterpiece in my mind.

Just so you know, Steam doesn't give refunds either. In fact, to my knowledge the only digital distributor which gives refunds is Origin.

People are still having issues logging in, my friends included. People were locked out of the game for a full day of their 3 day access, and the issues are ongoing for some people. Rather than implement a queue they simply blocked all entrance after a certain point. I'm pretty sure that issue has been cleared up.

I was a vanilla WoW player up through Wrath, but we're not discussing WoW here, and just because a predecessor had a worse launch shouldn't give new games a free pass.

Your comment broke Kotaku for me. Your text spills out of your comment box and WAY off screen. Stahp pls.

Not to rip on the quality of the game, but why does that level look like it was ripped from a Super Mario Galaxy game? I'm not saying that Sega is biting, just that it looks kinda funny.

The launch was a disaster, and even though server congestion is common in many MMOs at launch, that shouldn't mean that we should lay down and take it. I think that people have the right to be angry and demand better treatment, especially if the benefit of pre-ordering, early access, was mostly unavailable to them.

Yeah, the main reason that the deer remain in the park is because there is food; if the food leaves then so do they.

Does anyone else not understand why they made half the system a different color (on both color schemes)? I think it looks kinda silly.

Paradox's strategy games have way too steep a learning curve for me. I got Europa Universalis 3 from a bundle and gave up right after the tutorial. I more recently purchased Crusader Kings 2 to play the Game of Thrones mod, and even after the tutorial I have no clue what I'm doing. I really can't find any way to ease