
If I worked for the NBA, I would use these 2-minute reports to identify tendencies of individual refs or even crews to look for opportunities for training. Does a particular crew miss specific types of fouls? Does a particular ref tend to swallow their whistle on prime time or nationally broadcasted games? Are refs

Transparency? Owning up to their mistakes? Trying to get better?

“Hi, are you a woman? You are? Cool, see you at the race.”

You’d think a Packer would know what’s in his luggage.

Told they’re super cool and awesome growing up but they aren’t and are instead stuck in a shitty job like most people?

‘zactly. Deadbeat Chads.

He was just trying to be humerus.

This man was seriously injured, can’t we give the puns a break for once?

username checks out


Honestly, that interview made me want to see this movie. Wasn’t super interested before, but I’d love to see the outcome of this.

This report really makes the attitude of the anchors on the Today show seem really off. If this was such an ‘open secret’- which I totally believe it was, since that seems par for the course for these kind of guys - then NONE of them should have been as surprised or devastated as they appeared this morning. What a

Bitcoin isn’t going to fail because it’s made up out of nothing. All currency is made up of nothing; this was part of Marx’s argument and why capitalists saw the argument, realized it was in fact correct, and then took all the world’s currencies off the gold standard.

She’s actually only 400 miles behind the Proclaimers. Surprisingly, she does trail Vanessa Carlton by the full 900.

I’ve only ever done a 50-miler, but I can confirm that ultras are more mental than they are physical. If you’re going to be serious about doing one, you train so much that the physical aspect is not such a big deal. It’s when you’re sitting at mile 30 (or in her case, mile 60 or so), that your mind starts to fuck with

To be fair, they probably were that desperate to get away from Lacey.

Are you clairvoyant?

You know how this ends right

I’m not going to read the post before commenting, because I want to get my thoughts down fresh: