

That's really awesome to see. Her attitude is amazing.

this is dumb.

you have to admire her moxie. I've always found her fascinating.

"The initial contact between Darren Wilson and Mike Brown was not related to the alleged theft of cigars," Jackson said, indicating Wilson did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery.

Agreed, but, did you really have to wonder that much?

not gonna lie. it's funny every time.

Always cool to see him out there, considering the history. Western States is an awe inspiring event to see. If you ever get a chance, you should.

shut it down. he wins.

"We Americans consider ourselves special, plucked from our father's testes by God himself."

Anne Hathaway is such an amazing actress.

Dear Reddit, please identify him. Thanks.

The point is that he sexually assaulted/raped someone and it should haunt him until the day he dies.

hey may or may not win another one, but it sure has been a pleasure watching him play.

Clearly he threw it.

i'm going to hell for laughing at this.

Evidently this is a "thing" they were doing.

It does work for me. It tastes horrible. But you have to remember to keep them painted with it and it's an extra step that you end up just dropping after a few days.

"Those of you who have flown on RyanAir know how much of a clusterfuck those "99 cent fares" really are"