@Qwer7yfreak: Upload that to memebase.com. Now.
@Qwer7yfreak: Upload that to memebase.com. Now.
@TheTonyShow: Some games may reinforce antisocial behaviour, such as the cases you present. However those particular users had to have psychological problems before playing the game. No normal person is going to starve someone or themselves because of a game.
@CharmeleonWithAttitude: Games are not like crack, its not really addictive. Yes, some games reinforce addictive behaviour, but these reinforcements can be easily overcome because its only psychological
On CS:S if I was tked I would punish every time. Even if I knew it was an accident or lost us the game, I punished.
@Noyse: The problem is that Gamestop goes the extra mile to make sure users are buying used copies of the game. For every person that buys the game used, thats one less dollar the people who actually made the game.
Gamestop is cannibalizing the games industry with their used game sales.
@robvsmith: Wrong site, this is a consumer webblog, not an industry dev site. Gamasutra, Gamesauce, Appdata, these are better sites for actual developers.
@Darth_penguin: Either way, its not fair to game developers, who don't earn any money from used game sales. A week after launch Gamestop will be selling the game for $10 less, as a used game. The game developers/studios/publisher make NO money from the used game sale.
@Noyse: Gamestop is cannibalizing the game industry with used games sales. Game studios and/or publishers make NO money from used games sold by Gamestop. Thats millions of dollars and years of personal sacrifice to make a game, only to have the studio go bankrupt because the amount of "New" game sales are undercut by…
@Koinu: Are you going to pay the unemployment of the game developers that don't get any cut from the used games Gamestop sells? Devs break their back and sacrifice personal well-being to get these AAA games out, and the studio doenst make its money back because of the used games sales.
Fuck Gamestop. I hope they die in a fire.
@PaleGoat: Perhaps "Best Before xx/xx/xxxx"
@PaleGoat: EA's business plan is reduce costs and stop the hemorrhaging before the entire company goes belly up. Since the recession EA has been undertaking massive restructuring and cost reduction strategies. It would seem natural that if they can save a few dollars from ending service for some of their…
@PaleGoat: So you are complaining that they're ending service for games you probably don't play, that are years old, and that only account for 1% of the entire audience across all EA games?
Give it a hemi.
I too have been hit by the effects of drunken laddering on SC2. Sure, you had 150 apm, but its at the 3 minute mark and you have 400 food. So you fast expand. Except as soon as its up the pain train comes knocking with a healthy MMM ball.
@Adamk24: Husketeers unite to lambast this tragedy!
15 minutes- problem science?
@peteer02: hates geofencing: Its the same answer as the question "Does Activision want to make more money?"