
@camburxp: Actually their philosophy is "Connecting the world through games" (or at least, thats their mission statement).

@jonincambridge: Did your highschool dealer make 5.5 billion dollars? Because thats what Zynga is valuated at. And EA has proved that if you have money, your lifeless, rotting corpse can last for decades.

@wrackune: A game studio is defined by the mistakes it makes. Zynga has done a lot of things right, which is why theyre so ridiculously successful right now.

@Kolian: Buy a kindle.

@Leaf Runner: Except it wasn't made in '96, it was made in '09. And he's a 20 year veteran that is currently running a game that makes Zynga valuated at 5.5billion dollars.

@bakana: They executed better. Say what you will about blatantly copying features, but they continued to develop the game after the fact.

@DrZaius: You can integrated social gameplay into a singleplayer experience. Games like Farmville already do this- its a single player farm, but you can visit your neighbors and share with friends.

@scrapking: That was Pincus, not Skaggs. Skaggs knows his shit, he's been in the industry forever and is pretty much the go-to person for social game designer pointers.

Wait I'm confused. What did you love? Where is the hate? Where's the spoiler alert?

@tucobenedictopax: Optimization for the PC is the single most important thing. I really don't care what it is, as long as it works like a program built for COMPUTERS.

@Madeira: Wheres your art, hmm?

He totally looks like hes trolling for pr0n in this picture LOL

What they need is seamless integration with Xbox LIVE. Shared gamerscore, similar features, create a marketplace similar to the services provided on LIVE.

@TEH_flying_MOOSE: You could always switch to mac to play games... oh wait...

@robelirobban: Bat life on anything over a lowrange laptop is shite. Just get 2 or 3 extra bats and switch as necessary.

Shepard needs to be the main, or at least highlighted somehow. Looking at that pic I think blue-chick is the protagonist.

One word: Reboot.
