
I work with a lot of Charedi Jews (Ultra-Orthodox), and this reminds me of a story one of my co-workers told me about going into a deli and a very well-known rabbi is sitting there eating ham with buttered bread. My co-worker asked the rabbi, “What gives?” The rabbi shrugged and said something like, “In Israel I keep

I used to wonder how anyone could be so stupid about what was and wasn’t meat until The Nerdy Mr’s cousin wanted to become a vegetarian around age 12 or so and a relative, not wanting to change up the food in the house, started telling him that things like pepperoni, salami, and bologna weren’t meat so that he would

Right? It’s not like he gets called ma’am, which more often than not is just shorthand for “bitch.”

As an editor now it makes me nuts. Post production isn’t fucking instantaneous magic.

On second thought, forget the blackjack . . . and the movie.

Your comment needs more stars. The very day I found out sunblock can expire, I got horribly burned from sunscreen that had (surprise!) expired. First time in my life I sunburnt the backs of my hands.

I’ve shaved them a couple of times, but mostly don’t, because the hair is blonde and I don’t wear miniskirts or short shorts.

IDK that it makes any difference. I only shaved my calves as a teen and into my 20’s, but sometime after 25 I started growing the dreaded toe beards anyway.

RAW is a file format, not just meaning unretouched images, as the word raw does.

That’s a good trick, but I don’t know that it will work for me, since I need/have mulitple licenses. I’m gonna look into it, though.

PS 7 is the one I started on and still secretly my favorite. But I can’t give up all the little tweaks to AE, so I don’t even bother installing it anymore.

I was going to say. They usually push it as part of the web design bundle with Dreamweaver & Flash, don’t they?

Me, too. All freaking day.

Right? She always looks like she’s just come out of electroshock therapy. Somebody had the most amazing gif of her from the Fox News lie-a-thon. Silly me forgot to download it.

This is my favorite cookbook ever. Even though I’ve altered quite a few recipes over the years, it’s still my first go-to when I’ve never made something before. Plus the illustrations for stuff like: “How to Butcher a Whole Chicken,” are really great when you’re first finding your way around the kitchen.

The besssst!

Gotta watch out for that muslin. High quality cloth is dangerous.

The manager’s choice of words is terrible, but if the account of what happened from the follow-up is accurate, I understand his desire to use such nasty language. But you can stand up for your employee without using all the dirty words for female anatomy or suggesting anyone commit suicide.

Thank you for voicing my thoughts exactly.