
I actually said that out loud in my disbelief. The Nerdy Mr turned to me and scoffed (in jest), "That's not for you! That's for babies!"

That's one of my favorite tests of the ridiculous meter. This is just laughably off the charts.

Gynecism promotes the political position that the primary and most essential power a female can hold is the control of her own sexual and genital functions.

That's what I've heard too. Fun story: a friend of mine is very active on fan-fiction sites and a much-in-demand editor of said fictions. Before E.L. was E.L. she asked my friend to edit it. My friend took one look at the manuscript and noped for the hills.

Thank you, Tracy! The Nerdy Mr has been complaining about the lack of equality in pockets since the start of our relationship (that's almost 10 years). Flattering pockets CAN be done! I found a bunch of nice scrub tops that look tailored, and now I always have pockets and they don't pull my clothes down if I shove the

This made me laugh harder than anything else in the past two weeks. Thank you for putting this thought into such beautiful satire, because there's also totally no reason for this dude to still work in entertainment.

I would really, really like it if I never heard the term vegan leather again. It's plastic leather, you know, pleather. *facepalm*

Are you me? I'm half kidding. The Nerdy Mr is at least way into audio books. So we still get to talk about literature. But, these things happen. Life is compromise.

Yeah, I guess, if being accurate and right makes you a bitch. . . . Oh, wait, what am I saying? We're talking about dudebros. Bitch on, else they'll never learn.

I hope so. American Hollywood is a depressing-ass industry.

Yes, yes it does.

I think you're right on the anatomy.

Somewhere there's some executive that truly loves dry, stale chocolate cake.

I miss the Lil' buckets too! Cake and pudding forever!!


Butter can masquerade as food any time. I will allow it. :D

You win my heart and the Internet.

My guess, since the quote came from the police dispatchers, is that they couldn't resell the cake in question. But I've been happy to say I wouldn't be sad if they discontinued their cake.

Hahah! Popeyes has the best biscuits.