
Doesn't everyone own at least one slutty pair of granny panties?

Amen! If we can't all eat dirty food whenever we want, then what was the point of inventing antibiotics?

MTV did an excellent animated adaptation. It's one of the first things I ever picked apart as an animation student. I still watch it for the lessons in conservation of motion and use of negative space.

Suddenly I feel like we need photos of all kinds of women wearing skinny hipsters. . . .

I sent him a vile of my tears.

That's so weird! I used the button at the top that's supposed to start a new thread. I wonder if you were most recent or most popular when I posted or maybe that button doesn't perform the function I thought.

I also remember the time my mom bought grapples—a cross between a grape and an apple—and I wasn't very impressed.

I am old and grumpy too. Though, I think it might be less "get off my lawn" (which I loved to scream when I was eleven, so I may just be forever old), and more like, I already have two screens running with video, so if I wanted to watch video through this screen I don't need you to point me to it.

Yes, thank you. Also, all of their frosting tastes like that fake buttercream that grocery stores use (the brand name is, somewhat ironically, Bettercream.). And you're lucky if your crumbs cupcake takes a whole hour to get stale since it's likely been slowly re-baking under the lights in the case for two days.

I'm not lovin' it.

I summed this story up for my other half and he replied: "Maybe it's time for the U.S. to think about seceding from Texas."

They do indeed! That's how I keep my dog so cute! Jasper used to love eggs, cooked or raw, shells and all:

You can buy double yolked eggs by the dozen now:

Your local grocery store might be doing it to you too. I worked at two owned by large chains around 2001-2008, and the first one never taught new cashiers to tare the containers and the second company didn't even have a procedure for it.

I can really see where that 40% enemy rating comes from. . . .

I heard it for the first time in a novel by either Spider Robinson or Heinlein (after Variable Star the two kind of blend together for me when it comes to things this specific.) but apparently the axiom has been around for quite a while:…

"A camel is a horse designed by committee."

The two people I know who sought to have theirs reversed weren't following the correct after-surgery diet (both under the impression that after surgery they could eat anything they wanted and were eating snack cakes and candy instead of the very critical 3 oz of protein shake you have to eat for like a month before

I know the band is reversible (most of why it's the only bariatric surgery I don't have strong negative feelings about. That, and everyone I know with one has been very, very happy with it), and I thought I mentioned that, but I hadn't heard of any gastric bypasses being successfully reversed. I know two people who