
Peter Rabbit can go directly to jail. All the seeds Mr. McGregor's veggies came from are patented by Monsanto. We can't have Peter stealing seeds and bringing our biotech to the rabbits for free!

These make me feel uncomfortable, because my best friend (who is *gasp* a dude) was doing improv at the PIT for a while, and while the class stuff was pretty meh, when he and some of the folks he met started a group, the shows started to get good enough that I was genuinely disappointed if I couldn't go to one.

I think she's really lucky to have a mom who cares about this stuff and is thinking about it now, because how you handle those things is something she'll carry with her for the rest of her life, and it can be a source of strength for her when she has to be on her own.

But then it suddenly hit me... there is such a small window in her life where she's going to feel this free as a person. That she will feel this equal to her male playmates. Maybe a few years at most? Then that separation will set in, gradually making her feel different in small ways. In sad, confusing ways.

He's going to be so sad when he learns that Douchebag Culture isn't a real thing. . . .

My instant reaction was all, "That's kind of silly." But it's really sweet that she cares more about her dogs than wrinkles that may or may not exist.

Coincidentally that's pretty much what it sounds like if I get anything "warming", "tingling" etc near my body. . .

"It's a scientific fact that 72.3% of women are turned on by the Cookie Monster. Next time you're going down on her, start randomly shouting 'OM NOM NOM NOM NOM V IS FOR VAJAYJAY IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME' and watch how she goes wild!"

Well I suppose that is a change in the local climate.

I don't see any other way to interpret it. Let's look at some lines!

Seriously, be that person, because you are damn right.

Sorry if this posts twice, my response was eaten by the Kinja ether.

I love you just a little bit more every time you talk about clothes.

My target did this too when they put in the food section. The men's section is still just jeans, socks, and underwear. Sorry dudes, you're all shirtless from here on out.

I hate shopping for clothes. And I'm not even all that big, being between an XL and a XXL, but I got tired of dealing with this crap and I started ordering cute scrub tops off of Amazon. So, now I've got $12 cute tops that fit my size 18 chest and absolutely anything washes out from.

I can understand some of that sentiment with SNAP. There are bodegas that will give you thirty or fifty cents on the dollar in cash for your food stamps. It happens a lot where my Sister used to live in central Jersey when a family needs to cover an emergency like car repair, med bills, or an extra-high heating bill.

Bought a pint of Hazed and Confused and wanted to report on it to folks who would care-

No word yet on whether they'll soon start allowing the lobster, filet mignon, and cigarette purchases your one conservative uncle always swears he's seen people buying with WIC during your annual Thanksgiving political referendum.

Just don't accidentally donate a puppy to a food bank and either one should be sure to make you feel better.