
It shouldn't be a problem to have that written into your Living Will. Five minutes with a lawyer, you tell them what you want specifically, and they write up the document.

Word. Though, How to Cook Everything has my favorite recipe for cobbler where the crust tastes like a fluffy cookie.

I had really good luck at Target, shopping for cute things for my bestie's first baby (also a boy). A lot of grey's, but I opted for baby's first Batman costume jammies. My absolute favorite is a little green t-shirt with a pocket protector silk-screened onto it.

Thank you for writing an educated point on this. It's true with RAW that you really need to go into PS (or other software) and use the available digital dark room. You get miles more out of your shots that way (just started shooting RAW video, it's kind of amazing, but just like with photos, grading is so much more

To echo someone else's theory please don't leave out Phillip K Dick. You may find that Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep puts the questions out there a bit better than Blade Runner does.

Seriously, real photographers just use burst mode.

Wait, the interview in that article is that a real thing? Because I think I may hate Sting instead of simply feeling indifferent to him now.

Assuming there's no ruling that stuff from one case can't be involved in the other, this should provide legal precedent on the issue that will force a direction, no? Then again, if the terms of the settlement are as undisclosed as the amount, one of the terms could quite possibly be, you have to let Thicke steamroll

What I can't understand is why they made it that way when it must have been ridiculously hard to do all those marionettes!

All the Lelo's are amazing!!!

Kids-free dining probably would be pleasurable, but there are a lot of parents who could learn a thing or three from your attitude.

Have you considered offering a class? You ma'am are a class act, and I would be happy to dine alongside children in your care any day.

That is insane. Poor everyone who tries to eat there. You're just as screwed if you have a medical emergency or your car breaks down as you are if your babysitter cancels.

The different attitudes of the parents of seat-kicking children brought a thought up that I'm not seeing in the comments below.

The Nerdy Mister has long hair and I'm giddy for a week when he lets me pull it into a french braid for him. *sigh*

wait. . wait. . He didn't face charges because "police officers didn't see the event happen"?

Plex does work a lot better with a dedicated media server, but I think they're coming out with a pretty cheap box soon.

Try Plex maybe? I have some friends who use it and love it.

That's what DVR buffering is for. That's the perfect time to watch a different 30 minute show (or if you're into somehow being productive with all this TV on on a Sunday, it's the perfect time to go and do something that takes like 30-40 minutes, then when it's done), and when you're done, you've got 10 minutes of

Flight or fight is so different from person to person.