
It's so they can grow more fur. This was so disappointing. They're supposed to be sheared like sheep are. I want to do some hair ripping of my own now.

Don't laugh too hard. We have an american eskimo so we can spin her hair after brushing and summer shaves. Her undercoat from when she was a puppy is the softest fiber I have felt in my life.

This one got me too. I'm going to have to chalk it up to the Nerdy Mister having had pet angoras as a kid.

Oh honey, I don't talk to my dead mother's brother for such similar reasons and I too, am the devil or something. I guess I was just too ungrateful when he called my house every day to inform me that I must be pregnant or else why wouldn't I talk to him?The logic of mental illness is hard to deal with and so often

The photos, you never know... Even if everyone in them is long dead, and you barely knew who was in them, family photos can be precious. I love the ones I have of my grandmother in her 20's. It probably helps, though, that her name and the year are written on the back of each one.

Ooh! Now I can skip that conversation this Holiday season, right?

Doubly so when you have relatives who sincerely believe she is the smartest woman alive.

Exactly. It absolutely depends on the dog and who else is around. Our old dog, Jasper (bless his fat little fluffy heart), never liked to be more than four steps away from me, and wouldn't leave the front grass unless we made a big deal and said the special leashless keywords ("Let's go for a stroll!"), and he would

I prefer to ask them what they know about String Theory. :)

Seconded. Now how many votes until it passes?

Thank you. We've got both rednecks and the rural impoverished above the Mason-Dixon on the East Coast too. It's amazing how, even within New York, people forget about everything that's not NYC-adjacent.

Ah cognitive dissonance, destroyer of so many personalities and relationships. My mom died almost fifteen years ago, and I still resent the hell out of her brother for the way he behaved during her illness and afterwards. I can't think about talking to him yet, but I can think about the experiences I've had without

There's a lovely explanation by ForTheBirds that the worms in the article are roundworms, not earthworms. We're pretty much lucky that snakes aren't also called worms.

That makes so much more sense. Having an earthworm pictured makes the word worm misleading.

I wanted to say that you shouldn't feel guilty. But, as a stranger on the internet, I have no right to tell you how you should feel. That said, when a story brings up details that are so similar to a shitty part of your life, you have every right to feel bad about the way that shitty part of your life made permanent

I wish you the best of luck! It's a big change, and you'll need to dial it in. Everyone's hair is different (what works for me doesn't work for my sister); that's what makes manufacturer formula changes so personally devastating.

I'd really like to think that maybe she's just saying that how much talent you have doesn't always equate to how famous you get. On the other hand, as insightful as her lyrics are, she's 17. I was an idiot at 17. I'm sure 40-year-old me will look back on me in ten years and think I'm an idiot too.

Meh, plenty of normal people enjoy made up words.

No poo is a long road to go, and it takes at least a week or two to settle in. So, kudos to you for picking a good time to go about it.

Hahaha! Me too! My mom scowled at me through the rest of mass.