TheMyth Is Swingin' A 440

I hope I’m not being that childless asshole, but god I hope she didn’t drink and take an ambien if she was solo parenting her kid. I mean, ambien is the real deal so I’m not really ok with taking just that if she was solo parenting her kid. I have cared for adults with disabilities and they’ve been on similar sleep

I mean, Sandy Hook didn’t get the NRA to change its tune, and its membership likes kindergarteners way more than gay club-goers at Latin Night.

On Sale last year at your local Victory Dealer!

Given HD’s target demographic, I think they’d be better off buying Hoveround® in order to better serve their customers’ needs.

Counter-point: being able to see where you are going helps avoid accidents in the first place.

That’s a terrible thing to say about Adam Savage.

He looks like Adam Savage after an accident involving a particle accelerator and a wad of silly putty.

Me too. I can’t imagine having to have gone through life looking like that.

Of course it was designed before FCA - it’s successful on the marketplace.

Someone may have said that, but it wasn’t the Freud dude. He just knew that inside every single eggplant he could find his mother’s vagina.

They’ll just move it into their butts then.

Yes. Please stop the pointless posts about Tesla.

Tesla Model 3............third time’s a charge.

Henne-ghazi has a nice ring to it.

That’s a weird looking mustang.

ustang. Over a billion curbed

But how awesome is it at running over innocent, unsuspecting bystanders on the sidewalk?

The last line is precisely why I left the Marine Corps. I was bombing and killing people via being an aircraft mechanic that I didn't know, nor had anything against them as people. Shame the US Government spends more time killing brown people overseas than spending money on keeping them healthy here with accessible

In that case its not the war that seems pointless to me but the loss of human life. The average German solider wouldn't have conceived a plan to exterminate entire nationalities by himself, but he was manipulated into killing and dying for that cause.