
I didn’t want to be that guy, but since you mentioned it: I love my Whirley Pop. I don’t care that it’s a unitasker. It’s more than paid for itself in stress free popping. Add some fake movie theater butter and Flavocol salt and you’re back at the theater without worrying about catching a contagious disease.

Just get a Whirley Pop.  Mine’s 20 years old and still makes the best popcorn

They literally showed you it was an open world. You seem to post quite a bit about a system you’ve had no interest in for 7 years. 

I love Halo and am pretty excited about it. And all anyone ever does is shrug at it and bitch it’s not Halo 3.

Please buy this thing from Amazon RIGHT NOW! We don’t know the price. We don’t know the release date. But it’s gonna be great! We don’t even know the full extent of its launch library or details regarding the BC. But it’s gonna be GREAT!

Please buy this thing from Amazon RIGHT NOW! We don’t know the price. We don’t know the release date. But it’s gonna

I feel like gamers just have too many options nowadays. There’s a lot of bits of specific language in this review - checking your phone while watching the pre-duel cutscene, audibly sighing when cresting a hill and seeing more things to do, “The layer of Japanese aesthetics barely hides the fact that the world is just

While I agree that pressing the point gets shit done, it’s nobody’s business whom you decide to forgive. That’s her personal choice, not yours or mine.

Do we have to flip through a slide show to see other pictures of it?

Again, nowhere in that does it say how many or even when those titles will be playable on PS5.

I think it’s perfectly understandable to want consoles to be cheaper than $600. There are good phones that can be had for far less than what it costs to own a fancy flagship. No one bats an eye at a trendy new $1000 phone because there are options. Lots of options.

Even if they’re not destroyed (yet), removing them is still a good thing because it means that anyone who wants them back up has to jump through those hoops and run it past the people.

It’s a protest action. People are drawn to notice an issue once it causes a disruption to a routine. It’s a similar principle behind protesting around an office building or on an interstate.

This is for anyone that is angrier about not being able to play a video game for 2 hours than they are about what is and has been going on in this country. That’s 2 hours they could use to stop and reflect and ask themselves that very question. 

I don’t think she voted for Trump at all, and it dangerous to automatically equate racism with political affiliation. I also think that she honestly, truly believes she isn’t racist. She is of course - but I’m sure she’s the typical example of a white person who votes for the right people, “has black friends” yet

At the very least, he could have spoken up when Chad was getting raked over the coals on social media and pointed out that none of this was his fault. Like, regardless of why this whole affair turned into a shitshow, that guy was clearly not calling the shots and simply did what he could under the circumstances.

In this case they probably do. Especially since this is presumably a public school they were kicked out of.

Nah, homeboy will end up landscaping for an uncle and killing off a 12-pack a night until cirrhosis ends him, while homegirl will end up failing at being a tattoo artist and selling LuLaRoe after having married an abusive jarhead.

I’ve been using this for about three years, and it works fine. It is unobtrusive and simple to use, but it also has more complicated features so you can hide yourself a little better. Sometimes a remote server gets filled up and you have to switch to another one, but this happens rarely. Overall I feel this is money

I’ve been using this for about three years, and it works fine. It is unobtrusive and simple to use, but it also has

It looks fine, I guess, but I really wish they’d offset their thumb sticks like everyone else.

Isn’t an unlicensed dermatologist just a criminal?