
The difference between those things is a "Man Cave" is named so by men, and the kitchen being the "woman's rightful place" is ALSO named by men, and it's not a term of endearment.

Plex: Android

"Yeah, THANK GOD that I don't find that stuff funny! I HATE FINDING HUMOR IN THINGS."

The console has only been out for a few months. During the beginning of the Xbox 360 life cycle, there were games on both systems too; so that's a poor argument.

Can you play Nintendo Land on an Xbox 360?

He didn't come across as douchey to me; just as someone who wishes that maybe he/she had more interest in American Comics so they could take advantage of this.

What about the dogbone variation? All of the nostalgia, without the CRIPPLING DISCOMFORT.

Do you think you're on Reddit?

Considering it was the first online Halo game, I could see that maybe it wasn't perfectly balanced. That hardly warrants two terribles though, whether it's accurate or not.

Where on earth are you getting that their port of Halo 1 was TERRIBLE? I've never met someone who didn't like it.

There are all of these people here talking about the feelings Journey gives them, and how the experience affected them... and then there's you. Mr. Salty Pants. All, "PSHHH WHAT THAT'S DUM."

I think if Quentin Tarantino were an animator, he probably would be.

My girlfriend takes birth control to combat ovarian cysts. She's very religious, too. But fuck her, right? Yeah, let her get giant cysts that swell up and EXPLODE IN HER BODY, causing her extreme pain, because most people take that medication so they can have SEX (EW, SEX, GROSS, HOW UNNATURAL).

I'm a bit sad for you, too. I find them very enjoyable.

Gah, I hate rigging and animating feet. I mean, it's not super HARD, but it's more like a chore than anything else. This art direction looks pretty good though, so lucky them.

Sure did! I even sprang for the Kickstarter Exclusive edition because I'm stupid and like limited edition things! They already have my $170, so I can't wait to get it.

Here here, pal. I have a MASSIVE collection. In fact, I proudly display all of it in my living room. However, that doesn't mean I feel like having 30 different consoles hooked up, or even enjoy digging out each one when I feel like playing a classic. Not to mention some batteries have died on a few of my favorite SNES


Keep in mind Platinum Games' PS3 port of Bayonetta. Whoo, what a train wreck.

Depends, really. Think about it: every environment has to be modeled, and then textured. Then every prop that is in each scene has to be modeled and textured. Then every CHARACTER has to be modeled and textured. One at a time. Then, any character that has some sort of movement has to be rigged, which is like building