
Oh man, you must have messed up your comment. You didn't use the word "sheeple" anywhere.

Oh you poor fool. You should have known what would happen to you. I'm sorry, my friend.

I thought it was dumb when I heard it for the first time in line waiting for the Halo 3 launch. Yeah, someone said it. OUT LOUD. Then I started seeing it on the internet and thought "whatever". Now it's STILL HERE?!

Great comment.

Hmm, I don't know. Maybe he shaves his pubis?

There's something... off about this trailer. Maybe it's because the live action Halo thing has been done so much lately that this one lacks punch, or that the whole end sequence is CG, or the Wilhelm scream haphazardly thrown in at the :26 mark...

What I don't get, is here we have a website that shows porn (and that's all they do anyway), and they've offered to use that porn that's already there to raise money for a good cause, and people are ANGRY about it? Sure the message isn't 100% serious, but it's a website where people go to have a good time. If it were

They kind of drive me crazy, because I'll be watching them get questions wrong about things like presidents and I'll think, "ARE THEY THIS FUCKING STUPID?! C'MON!!"

Man, can you imagine that? We'd have a base on TITAN by now.

Maybe, but he was doing it alongside a point, which Cletus responded to.

Ads. It's all about them ads, buddy.

You calling that girl fat says more about you than her.

WOW! You're right! Exaggeration is always inappropriate and should never be used for anything EVER.

Maybe, just maybe, just maybe, just maybe, just maybe...

Maybe they'll add it as a patch for Far Cry 2 and it'll be playable!

I wouldn't consider Revengeance to be a part of the "true" MGS series, but it's a nice alternative. I realize that we all have our opinions, but I don't know anyone who would classify anything from Platinum Games as "shit".

Oh cool! I didn't know who that second guy was. Thanks!

Man, that guy is CRAZY obnoxious.

Wrong side of the steps.

Let us also call them dorks, because they are undesirable! HO!