
If someone wanted to slap me with $250 bucks for my seat, I'd let him. Hell, I'd do it for 20.

Oh, now you're just splitting hairs. There's a major difference between taking a knife and a television/gaming device/internet-mo-tron.

This post deserves a trip out to the #cornfield. Is that still a thing?

I think he means the horribly bigoted comment from Mr. Michael Sosa, who is apparently 8.

It is when they fund charities that actively FIGHT against gay rights.

Did you even look at the picture?

But where do we draw the line?!?!

Thanks! I even drew it myself! :3

Haha, nothing like tricking your kid into thinking that there are velociraptors in the woods! Totally reasonable!


I'm sorry, but what are the changes? :)

Now how much data do you get and for how many devices? I have the same plan as ZenInsight, with 4G included and completely unlimited data.

I wrote a song to best explain why I think the SNES is better than the Sega Genesis.

How strange that gamers would like to have fun. I myself don't care if a game is fun at all, so long as it's NEW AND ORIGINAL. These kids today, I swear.

Great, THANKS KOTAKU. Now I'm going to go play Chrono Trigger again. I hope you're happy.

I don't think of this as a regular console, as much as a small computer that easily hooks up to my PC that plays indie games and such. Sort of a smartphone/PC combo. I think there's room on the market for something like this.

I didn't make that argument, Marfin did. I just made the point that this may not be a sign of a trend, based on his examples.

Your comment confuses me. It seems like you're agreeing with me, but then you mention Fallout? Expansions are still Downloadable Content, they're just bigger chunks. Dawnguard is in the same vein that Shivering Isles was.

Oh no I agree that I hope this doesn't continue, just like when all Xbox LIVE games were either 400 or 800 points, until they rose to 1200. My point about Shivering Isles was that it DEBUTED at 30 bucks, just like Dawnguard has come out at 20. I'm sure there'll be a GOTY edition of Skyrim soon enough, and we'll be

Hey man, Mojang said it was, and I'm just using their label. C'mon, have a heart.