
Oh good, I was just about to post this. I was kind of disappointed that Weebl wasn't mentioned in the article. I love that guy!

An excellent deal for 3 excellent games. I was on the fence about Voxatron, but when they included The Binding of Isaac, I jumped at it. Voxatron and Blocks that Matter are awesome, too.

It does NOW.

I think the only thing you can really do is buy it again, provided that the bundle is still around. Otherwise, I guess just buy the game at the next opportunity when its available directly.

You kind of are. To process your transaction costs somewhere between 30-40 cents, so you're literally TAKING money from them.

It'll be difficult to avoid puns, but I'll take a crack at it.

Uh, Neptune is the last planet in the solar system.

The FIRST word in the article! OH MY OCD IS GOING CRAZY.

I thought I just had to have an eye for good Typography.

HOLY SHIT, there was a preview button?! I'm kind of proud of my 86%, now.

I think that's just the natural progression of video games.

Man, I don't get what everyone's problem is. You went into detail about your experience with the PS3 and Xbox, and legitimately questioned (according to your merit) why he likes his PS3 more. You posed a query and offered your opinions as support, and everyone is shitting all over you for it.

Get 'em Steve Dave!

I don't see how they would be so useful for the military... Seems a small rebel fighter could destroy it.

Mine was an insane, itchy, cockney clown with a watermelon mohawk. What's strange is I bonded with that character moreso than Niko Bellic.


What? Does TBS show South Park? Then TBS must have STOLEN IT from Comedy Central! Or the Simpsons from Fox! Why don't you chill out? Things change, bro! Roll with the tides!


It seriously gave me a headache. Some of them were weird, too.

Because you were talking about Gamestop not having it on a Monday night. It wasn't officially supposed to come out until Tuesday anyway, even though it seems EVERYONE got shafted and the shipments were late.