Why would anyone buy a car that makes you cry every time you accelerate?
Why would anyone buy a car that makes you cry every time you accelerate?
Ah shit, I was about to post that. But I'm glad someone else noticed that too! You are indeed an observant one.
Yep, I bought a Nexus S 4G in hopes of getting the most current update. Nope.
Ford. I absolutely love that thing. My friend has one, but he doesn't let me drive it :(
Amen brother. I hate it when people Hot-Rod perfectly good vehicles.
IMO: I'm glad they're doing quality checks. If they do, you guys complain, if they don't, you'll still complain. It's so hard to please you commenters
I think the Juke is a great little car, but the Versa-R or Sentra-R would look AMAZING.
You had to Google how to change resolution? It's still the same as Windows 7... just right-click the desktop and go to Change Resolution...
I think it's still too early to judge it. Plus, don't judge it based on how it works on a computer that doesn't support it yet on an outdated build.
Oh, I'm certainly not blaming Giz. It still bothers me.
MIC. It's short for Microphone, for god's sake! NOT MIKE. That's a dude.
That's a very narrow-minded way of thinking. Give it a chance, see it with a positive mind.
Does this thing have the capability to run Ice Cream Sandwich?
Fuck. You.
Well my phone (NS4G) is rooted, so I can tether with 4G unlimited. With my phone as a modem, i think it would be pretty smart, as what i pay for data is less than my home internet.
True, true. I paid $3.45 an hour ago here in Cedar Park, TX (right above Austin)
These problems seem limited to you, your phone, or your area. Here in Austin, my service is so fast, I've actually thought of getting rid of Time Warner to use tethering as my full-time internet.
It actually does not. I use way more than 6Gb and still get around 12 Mbps down on 4G.
You're gonna get hop-ons.