Zatanna isn’t a villain so, by definition, she cannot be the hottest villain.
Zatanna isn’t a villain so, by definition, she cannot be the hottest villain.
This scene would have been 1000% better if, after she dropped the necklace, Paxton had just lost it. What with needing to pay back the Russians for the whole expedition...
“Well that’s great, that’s just fuckin’ great lady. Now what the fuck are we supposed to do? We’re in some real pretty shit now man... That’s it man,…
Every bit as fun as the asshats who insist on arguing the door would have supported them both
Yeah, and a 3-day lag to respawn is bollocks.
Well for the sacrfice on the cross to redeem all mankind you’d think he would have to be killed fearing death like a mortal until the end came. Otherwise it’s a few hours of pretty severe discomfort. So internal consistency is not the book’s strong suit.
Sounds like you might be better off playing Jesus’ partner, BMX Bandit.
The Holocaust exhibit at the Imperial War Museum in London is one of the greatest museum exhibits I’ve ever experienced. It starts with a long hallway detailing the history of anti-Semitism in Europe, slowly sharpening focus down to Germany between the wars. As you go along, reading each new law enacted by the Nazis,…
Loki and Kat Dennings are definitely the three high points of the movie.
No, no, no. Only one movie can be called Serenity.
Hathaway continues to be Annoying As Hell to me, and also fuck these people for stealing the name of one of my favorite movies. THAT IS NOT SHINY.
It would be great if Kotaku would label them with the character and franchise, which they’ll never do despite someone asking for it every time they post one of these.
I know it’s hard to review a Star Trek show without being influenced by the franchise’s long history. But we also tend to focus on the best episodes of previous Treks. For good reason, the best episodes are the most memorable. But fans have to stop acting like every other episode of Trek was a “Balance of Terror” or…
Bacon’s canvas can obviously be interpreted as an avatar of the Joker, a deconstruction of the human, swirling with violence. The Blue Boy, a caped scion of a wealthy family, nearly swallowed in the shadows in this context, can equally stand in for Batman. Between them the George Washington of the $1 bill. Money is…
Almost wish a reporter would accept and the White House respond it is an isolationist country that keeps many of its technologies and myriad advances in various fields to itself or white house responds with it is small country we know little about. Either response would have me laughing at the reporter. Truly depends…
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this list. Please do not overlook the Blade movies and TV series.
Gangsters hold there guns that way, because they did it in a movie. They did it in a movie because they were shown that way by some Israelis. Want to know the truth, I am old and was there so listen up. Back in the day El Al airlines had security on each plane due to highjackings. The security guys used Beretta model…