
A cinematic universe with younger, cheaper, actors.

Maybe it’s just me but I HATE these slideshows. You can’t just click through them because the text and the image don’t sit neatly in even a huge browser window – you if you want to read them you have to scroll up and down every single time you want to advance a page.

For me (also works for my MCU Avengers 2.0 pick)

What’s wrong with just letting Chrome save your passwords? It does it for free, and flags up potential breaches, which means you can use mad long alphanumeric strings for all your passwords – is there something terribly insecure about it I didn’t know?

This is [grawlix] brilliant.

They could have improved it 100% by changing the title to Thor: The Duck World.

Boo. Not in the UK it’s not. And if I order from Amazon UK by the time I pay import duty and the ruinously high post-Brexit-referendum exchange rate it’s not even remotely a bargain

Boo. Not in the UK it’s not. And if I order from Amazon UK by the time I pay import duty and the ruinously high

This is excellent. That is all.

‘...he didn’t realize the “magnitude of the tragedy.”’

Oh my god. It’s a prequel to Cars.

So, what you’re saying is…

Also, try to remember the location of the last cache of ammo and power-ups you passed.

I remember being told about the ‘shove your hand in its mouth’ thing when I was a young kid – and then a neighbour’s dog cornered me & a friend of mine when I was about 9 so I tried it. Probably does work if your hand’s big enough relative to the dog’s throat. Mine wasn’t, and I still have two neat scars on my hand

Google Reader was a real loss, and as a journalist I used Google Sets (part of Labs) ALL THE TIME.

Girl got the worst case of Resting Blackface I ever saw.

I fell through some ice and thought i was drowning until I thought to stand up - the actual water was only waist-deep. Cold as all heck, mind.

“rape on campuses isn’t always because people are rapists.”

Looks pretty interesting - reminds me, a lot, of the glory days of Team Fortress.