That might have been true once, but the reason Marvel are so extraordinarily successful is that they have built a pocket universe, and they’ve made movies of several different genres set within it.
That might have been true once, but the reason Marvel are so extraordinarily successful is that they have built a pocket universe, and they’ve made movies of several different genres set within it.
Is cross-OVER the word? Bearing in mind that Venom is originally a Spidey villain who just happened to get a solo movie wouldn’t this be a cross-UNDER?
1. Fewer trailers.
My three best guesses:
I stayed up way past my bedtime last night to binge my way through it. It’s absolutely the kind of thing I like.
Ben Affleck
My feelings exactly.
I’m happy enough to hear about it but how is it that Good Morning, Midnight falls under the io9 remit? Are you guy edging towards a broader entertainment brief?
The source funnybook is pretty cool. Violently funny.
How does Supergirl get a haircut?
I think he’d make a great Blackagar Boltagon.
John Wick Kills the Marvel Universe
I like the composition of this poster, but can’t help thinking how much better it’d look as an old-style painted poster rather than a photo montage.
Why couldn’t she pull the switch and be beamed out!?
If he killed half of all plant life, as well as half of all sentient creatures, he’s reducing the resources as well as the drain on those resources.
Alien superweapon confirmed.
Surely you mean…
It’s only just occurred to me how much man Who Fell To Earth era Bowie looks like the child Vision & Scarlet Witch would have…
Oh, that’s an interesting twist… Very neat.