Does anyone have any data as to how far the balls are punted?
Does anyone have any data as to how far the balls are punted?
My SUPER Italian grandfather used to always yell at me for not calling sauce “gravy.” I got the last laugh, though—he had a heart attack and died in his sleep.
“I want to take his fuck... off.”
This guy’s not even a real doctor!
Hey, I love that movie! Cage and Travolta, right?
/lives in Kent
Yes, that's the important thing.
Phuc Kieu: I fuck you!
Jeremy spoke in Manaus today.
Goddammit they're annihilating the spirit of the whole goddamn thing.
Im going to go on a limb and say he is unemployed
Does he also face charges for killing his brother?
It's hard to look heterosexual while drinking out of a pineapple.
Interestingly enough "Drilled in the dick" is the Met's ticket campaign for this season.