

Good Lord, Helena Bonham Carter cleans up nice! A little photoshop goes a long way.

Wow, you basically just laid out exactly how I feel about the game series. It sounds like I enjoyed ME2 a bit more than you did, however.


Indeed, a great point - however, it will fall on deaf ears. In our modern and digitally social society, once you've been arrested, you are tainted and even dismissal of the charges can't undo the damage that's done to your reputation. Police need to be positive, in this day and age, before making arrests for this

Heaven forbid a game supply exploration without some kind of achievement every 45 seconds. /Sigh. Mass Effect is and will remain my favorite game series of all time for many, many years it seems. The original game was most likely my favorite experience in gaming... exploring those planets in beautiful HD with a

Awwww shiiiiit, somebody's talking smack about my Mako again.

I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been done 18 times already.


Lord, I wish we handled more situations like this. People would certainly think twice about acting like a damn fool if they thought some angry silver hair was gonna squeeze the life out of them with his old man strength.


Is this woman wearing a trash bag?

Hey, Dumbass... keep making such awesome life decisions. You're doing gggggggggggreat!

Hah, what's the story behind this pic?

...It will reset and keep the light green and returns the stop hand to a white pedestrian until the counter recycles again.

UGH I cannot stand that guy. I want to like the show (and do, for the most part) but the owner is a classic douche bag.

You just have to be REAL sincere when you say you're sorry and they'll let you go. You have to say "I'm sorry" like 5 times though. Maybe 6. If you did frame damage, I'd go with 6 to be safe. Best if you gave them a fake ID from the start and never let their security cameras grab a shot of your face.

Yeah, I came here to say this. It's sad, on several levels but I can't help but laugh at every one of them.

I've got to say, this is one beautiful NSX. The blacked out rear window, bronze wheels on white and is riding at just the right height.

Yes, it's stupid as hell. Audi thinks America doesn't like RS for some reason.