The World Is Not Enough?
The World Is Not Enough?
PEE-YOO, that is one UGLY provider of transportation. I believe I would prefer to be seen riding something alive or powered by gravity before this.
I'll tell you exactly what's going on here.
I used Samara and Thane as much as possible, simply because of how awesome both of them are. I'm still sore about not being able to use them in ME3...
No, no it's not.
Hunters are awesome.
I disagree, there were definitely squadmate teams who were better suited for certain situations than others. Unless, of course, you were playing on easy/normal, then you're right, it didn't matter at all. I played ME so much, Insanity was the only way to go and then it truly required you to think about how you built…
Yeah, I saw her in the casino and talked with her until she wouldn't even acknowledge me anymore [I annoyed her, apparently], but she should have been given a DLC of her own, something like Lair of the Shadow Broker, that went into her backstory. Just another missed opportunity by BioWare. :(
It's like you stole the words from my mouth... I still have memories of just being blown away with the scale of the first game. Driving the Mako around on planets, stumbling across places to explore, having truly interesting characters, a story with some great mystery, a great weapon overheat mechanic instead of the…
Given the way ME[1] ended, I think we all thought they would play a bigger role. Had Drew been left on the project, perhaps they would have come back as something more than a bullshit War Asset [/anger swells inside].
I was just saying this a moment ago, in another post... every time I think of ME3, it just makes me so angry. I had such high hopes for the game and BioWare just completely failed on everything except the music - that was literally the only thing I felt was improved. Dammit BioWare, you had a classic in your hands...…
That is absolute truth. The day I learned he had been taken off the reigns, I knew it meant horrible things. I at least hope BioWare learned a lesson from this tragedy... had they let him do what they hired him to do, we would have been given the greatest gaming series of all time. Instead we ended up with a mess…
Drew is awesome. Removing him from the story was the biggest mistake BioWare made and it ruined the continuity of the series and is, ultimately, responsible for ME3 being such a bad story. If they had let him fulfill the job they hired him to do and control the story from ME to ME3, we would all STILL be playing the…
Fucking War Assets... that was the single worst idea BioWare ever had with regard to Mass Effect. I guess they thought we wouldn't notice they swept half the game under the 'war assets rug' or something? Ugh, so many things about ME3 make me angry to this day, and not because I love to whine but because I loved the…
You should at least play ME2, that was the best of the trilogy, in my opinion. ME[1] was amazing when it debuted, but hasn't aged terribly well - that said, I've still replayed it 4 or 5 times in the last few years because I love it so much. Specifically, the characters that you come to know so well by the end of…
Drew always got it. The moment they took him out of the central story writing position, the game began to fall apart. Yes, I know his ending doesn't appear to be terribly better than the one we got, but he had a unified vision that tied the whole series together and that's what ultimately hurt the series so much…
I agree completely. The Krogan, Drell and Asari, specifically, were just so interesting and made the stories easy to write, I'm sure. Everything from the deep codex entries to the amazing artwork of those races made them feel so real, even though they all followed the 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 head rule; which normally…
Yeah, I will really never forgive BioWare for not taking that series to the lengths they should have [and promised to]. After 3 was released, they claimed "it was too hard" but that's no excuse... if they had managed to make your decisions from successive games have real impacts, it would have been the single…
It was a SHAME that they didn't take your team from ME2 and start you in ME3 from where you left off. It made all the effort of building your team a complete waste, when it could have been so awesome to begin ME3 with the team you built [and only got to use, as a complete team, for 1 or 2 missions] but they…