I am confused... is this massive sarcasm?
I am confused... is this massive sarcasm?
I would love to see the P1 side by side with MP4-12C. Both are just SO composed off the line, it hardly likes like they are even moving, when viewed from the rear.
I guess Bono is actually correct this time, these streets do NOT have names.
That's F1, baby! There's so much drama, especially between teammates, this year. It's gonna be an awesome season...
Haha, no I saw it as well. Leia!!!
Well, let me be the first to welcome you to F1! As a fellow American [and Forza player], I have no embarrassment to say that Top Gear UK was responsible for my introduction (and eventual love) for the sport.
Meh, 'missing out' on TGUSA isn't missing out, at all.
I LOVE driving, but if I could afford one of these, I would buy it in a second and never have to bother with driving again. You're completely right, this thing will take care of itself.
In order for it to 'work', as a sci-fi game, the production value has to be pretty darn high. If NS2 had a budget 10x what they had, it might have lured me in.
Yeah, I'll agree with you on that, but... this is Russia, after all. They live by a different code than the rest of the world does.
I know, man, it's fucked up and Travis is handling the situation about as poorly as possible. He doesn't even have to apologize, but just agreeimg to not put the winner's name in the article titles (at least for a day so those of us who have to record it can watch) going forward would make half the people that log on…
Now, with ALL of that said [note: thanks to Kinja, I feel the need to clarify "ALL of that" refers to the long post I wrote that begins, ironically, "The point I was making, at the time..."] I can get back to answering your specific at hand.
The point I was making, at the time, is this: Jalopnik isn't ESPN. Jalopnik tells the stories and provides relevant, often insightful, commentary that goes beyond simply reporting the numbers as fast as possible - that's what ESPN focus on [in addition, they do this for EVERY race out there, not just the interesting…
Fair enough. I just don't see why you can't please both 'groups' by leaving the winner's name out of the title... that's not so much to ask is it?
Or you could just do something like this:
I'm pretty good about avoiding relevant information, but that one is one I couldn't miss. I guess I'll have to adopt your strategy of avoiding all media until watching my F1.
Because those are NEWS sites and Jalopnik is a car BLOG. It's fine if Jalopnik want's to comment on races that have JUST occurred, but please don't put the results in the title, where it's unavoidable for those of us who don't live in the same time zone as the race.
I should have known better to visit Jalopnik before watching the race, but putting it in the article headlines? Come on, that's just unavoidable.
It's called insurance fraud. People pull out in front of you and slam on the brakes. Physics does not allow large heavy objects to stop faster than small, light ones. He' s giving these criminals exactly what they deserve.
You do realize that these people cutting him off and slamming on the brakes are doing so to file a fraudulent insurance claim, right? They're trying to take advantage of this guy, but since he has a dash camera he just gives them what they deserve.