
Correct. Graphing calculators still exist because they do just one purpose very well, and are more difficult to use for cheating than something like an Ipad. I'm not saying it's hard to write a program that stores every equation on the exam, but many teachers would erase the memory of any calculator used on an exam,

Oh, good 'ol Ti-83 plus. Now let's pull up Programs and play some games!

I go to the AMC at Lenox Mall, here in Atlanta, whenever possible and adore it. HUGE electric leather recliners make it a dream. Either that or one of the many theaters that serves drinks. Not saying I don't enjoy to stay in on occasion, but I wouldn't want to give up going out - especially not for this price.

I tried really hard not to laugh out loud at work. I failed. Thank you.


Yeah, I'm gonna chime in here and go with...


Joke? No, seriously. NOTHING is as awful as Jezebel makes it out to be.

Nothing is as monstrous as Jezebel wants it to be.

This is the best looking Porsche I have seen in many years. Well done, gentlemen!

Haha! This is exactly what I was thinking when I saw this car.

I'm with you. Watched the first two episodes and it was just too annoying to continue, as much as I love cars. Maybe I'll just skip to season 3...

What's your favorite car you've ever owned?

Yeah, I can completely understand that. Especially for the people who have no interest in F1 racing, at all. I could see that being a major hurdle for any city with traffic like this.

At least he got the location correct.

Yep- it's really no controversy at all, unless you consider the fact that adding options like that requires more resources and, if not properly managed, can lead to corner cutting later on. Assuming the game's development is properly managed, however, this should never be an issue.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of extremely minimalistic UI's like this. It would be even better if the game were 100% 'clean' and the overlays only became visible when holding a button down, in my opinion. UI's, health bars, meters, gauges, etc. all just serve to break the game immersion. I'm a big fan of how Halo and

Would have to mean massive amounts of downforce and that means low top speeds.

It's all because of the top speed the Bugatti reaches. The Top Gear episode where James May tops it out at the VW test track explains it well. I don't recall the exact numbers, but they said the Bugatti uses something like 300 horsepower to get up to 150mph and the other 700hp to get up to 250mph. The difference

Just last night, I just defeated Bed of Chaos and was preparing to go turn in my lord souls and enter the Kiln of the First Flame [for the first time, I haven't beaten the game yet] and I remembered that I still had all of the DLC to do! Wonderful feeling to find some extra Dark Souls just as I was starting to run