
This is obviously a very basic overview of when brands matter. We could write a book on every brand out there for every different component, but that would take forever and be obsolete as soon as it came out, so hopefully this should give you beginners a pretty good idea of what you're looking for.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. A Netflix marathon seems to last forever when it happens, but it feels like it's over too soon when you return to work on Monday.

Guess that's why weekends doing nothing are always over too soon.

Ah, but the point of sewing (and knitting, and crochet) is to have an enjoyable time making something unique, custom, and durable that you can be proud of. The end product is not the end-all. I can buy a mass-market bag for $20, sure, or I can spend $40 for something better that also provided me hours of entertainment

As far the dirtying the dryer part is concerned, that's why you put the bag in a pillowcase. Otherwise, this is just an alternative way to accomplish waterproofing :)

Yeah, they mention that as one of the reasons for doing the project too. It's definitely a great way "hide" what you're carrying.

Bonus: You get a cool, retro-looking bag that doesn't scream "I'm full of expensive computer / photography gear!"

Silly me: I read Beautiful Customized Bag and wondered what you people were talking about. Because aesthetically, that's one ugly bag. But the adverb "Beautifully" describing the adjective "customized," okay, sure, I can go with that.

Bad analogy. I can define the hell out of porn. Though it's true you know it when you see it.

I'm a student teacher and have to take into account dyslexics in my designs. My question is about this 'a' here. It is not the same as the 'a' in comic sans. According to experts (apparently), dyslexics find in the 'a' in comic sans easier to read because it looks more like the 'a' they write but I HATE comic sans.


I like it. How about an "Affordable Stuff We Like" though?

Did you see the MIT is considering an online equivalent degree as the coursework is the same? It is called MITx.

This is great -the only down side is the fact that most of these course do not grant credit even though many of them are just as rigorous.....

What type of security you want? HTTPS / HTTP Authentication? Or something involving a login page?

Have a secure host, and sanitize your database inputs.

How to secure a website?

Their is some general controversy around them. See the comments from part i of this series. See also here

@lastlifelost: Check the other articles. We've been over this