They weren't walkers, they were... sitters...
They weren't walkers, they were... sitters...
Directly opposite the deer? I.e. a hunter shot it from the other side w/o noticing camouKid.
Do you speak Hindi? Nepali? Punjabi? Tamil? Urdu? No? None of those?
It's from The Rundown, get your shit together!
In the other video in an earlier article one of the devs admitted that even they thought the constant stun-locking later in prototype 1 was a bit much, and that they had been trying to avoid it this time by improving the dodging, etc.
Actually FFXIV was originally just a FFXi addon, but the PS2 wouldn't have been able to handle it. And since excluding the massive amounts of JP players still using the PS2 was unthinkable they chickened out and made it a separate game.
Thanks! I saw it in my RSS feed yesterday and though it was an awesome image.
Loved that line! Here's to hoping they can pull this off.
Quick! Say you want Mother 3 to be released in English!
The thing that worries me is that we never see where the web-lines connected when he was swinging, that was part of what made the Spider-Man 2 game feel so right.
Haha, that totally made my day right there.
"Yeah, the problem is the beasty. Add to the inconsistencies already mentioned the issue of a hyper-aggressive, predatory organism that is also capable of the kind of high technology required for interstellar travel. Does not compute."
WARNING! Even with the T-Shirt method the moisture in your breath will only make the contacts corrode faster, so while it works as a short time fix it actually damages your cartridge.
What is this I don't even...
I actually posted the link they used though.
Apparently you can make not just squares, but also hexagons and all kinds of weird shapes: []
I don't remember the name, but it was something like this, mounted in a drill press.
You can get drill bits that let you do this with any regular old power drill.
Obligatory plug for The Things by Peter Watts: []
A fire tornado on the other hand.