Thanks! Real Full Screen FTW!
Needs more pottery-based parthenogenesis imho.
I guess WWs problem has always been that unlike Supes or Batman she doesn't really have a well defined identity of what makes her tick.
Well it states right there in the origin story that he can never show us his true form. So you could always just pretend you never read it and it would be like it never happened.
Actually you got it right, and he got it wrong. She is a green lantern, just that the suit itself is what powers her, so she doesn't need an actual physical lantern/ring.
I'm pretty sure there already was a comic version of WW that had a skirt exactly like that, but can't remember where I saw it.
Yeah, their descriptions made me laugh too.
Heh, that Über creepy glowing skull underneath the visor really sells the character.
In the advent of an electromagnetic pulse, the wisest choice would obviously to get a job as a bike messenger. I mean, where else are you going to get hold of a sector pass?
Food, medicine, and even DVDs would be completely unaffected by an EMP blast, so you can store that somewhere else if you need more space inside your Faraday cage.
On/Off has nothing to do with it. An EMP is basically an electromagnet run in reverse, i.e. instead of sending electricity into wires to create a magnetic field it sends a magnetic field into wires to create electricity.
"An RPG is a particular type of game that allows one to craft a character AND affect the narrative with their choices."
That's actually the reason Link never says anything, so you can imagine him saying whatever you want.
When she did the air super I was like "where did the machete come from? That doesn't fit the theme" before noticing it was her detached tail.
They have a FrankenCock for you ladies too ;P
I wonder if a track ball could work as an analog stick replacement on a regular controller?
It's that a trackball in the middle of the controller?
Nice try, there buddy. Unfortunately for you there is just as much evidence for climate change as there is for gravity, in fact quite a lot more. So by your own admission you must challenge gravity at every turn.