Collaborative playlists FTW, though with the number of people that read Kotaku it might become a bit of a cluster fuck XD
Collaborative playlists FTW, though with the number of people that read Kotaku it might become a bit of a cluster fuck XD
For those that doesn't get it, this post was humoristic in nature.
Sigourney Weaver, is that you?
I use a similar setup, only with the addition of LessChrome HD ( [] ) which autohides the nav bar.
It's the Duck Face Collagen Special, AKA running out of money halfway through a lip job...
Army ants would beg to differ ;P
Independence Day?
Yes that is the arm of a Giant Squid, and yes that is thousands of teeth!
Every single clip in that thing was from the 2nd episode. Witch is up on HBO go already.
They weren't fighting for real, they were just putting on a show.
Jason: I'm not saying anything happened just now, but if something did happen... It didn't happen. Okay?
Read issue #0 and loved the design of the Vamprey and how they described it.
And he would still be right ;P
See my comment above.
There is a greasemonkey script called "Wikipedia Inline Article Viewer" that does this, and since it's a userscript it works on pretty much every browser out there.
The funny thing is that the XBOX FFXI players play on the same servers as the PS2/3 and PC players, so they already let Square Enix get away with cross platform multiplayer.
Did someone mention slapping?
I loved how he suddenly sprang to life the second she left the room, doing his morning exercises, then just before opening the door and leaving he slumps down and staggers out like some frail senile old fool.
The scene in the woods where they were all reciting the oath made me tear up for real.
I think the point of the Grand Maester Pycelle scene was to show that he is actually quite spry for an old man, but that he has everyone else fooled by his rambling old man act. Because if everyone thinks he is an senile, decrepit, old fool they will probably underestimate him.