
I salute your taste in cars.

For max effect bury an apple just below the fruit you are trying to ripen.

I didn't miss you're point, you missed mine.

Especially since the show clearly made that one guy out to be the POV character, then just a few minutes later he got decapitated... with a Greatsword... by Ned Stark... for being a traitor.

I loved it, especially since it perfectly mirrored the books. Let's face it, pretty much everyone thought Ned was the one of the main protagonists the first time they read the book, that was one of the reasons his death was so powerful.

2000 men bravely sacrificed their lives to rescue Ned Stark, but at least they didn't die in vain.

On one of the earlier io9 articles on echo-location a while ago there was a link to someone arranging lessons in echo-location for blind people, and they said anyone could learn the basics of it in about 2 weeks of training.

Someone posted this mockup earlier.


You rang?

And when the Gamecube was revealed everyone bitched about how the left stick was on top.

I hope the Alien: Colonial Marines game uses the screen in the controller as the iconic motion detector. That would've been sweet.

I hope riding the bird feels something like Zora-Link from Majora's Mask, that would be incredible.

Pfft, they could just make up some BS story how all the other sentai teams are just from from different alternate dimensions. That would easily explain away why there is a bajillion different versions of them in one fell swoop.

Wrong, Nintendo stated that the actual console is the thing that does all the heavy lifting, the controller doesn't have any cpu/etc.

Aka Wü among friends.

Convince all your friends to buy their own Wü, then make them bring over their own controllers when you play, problem solved.

According to the gizmodo hands on this thing is apparently crazy light weight as well, which hopefully make it comfortable to use over extended gaming sessions despite the size.

You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it does.

They showed people using the touchscreen without using a stylus.