
@RaindropBebop: almost 80% of our electricity come from hydro though, so we're still pretty green compared to most countries.

@ltwass: I read an article a while ago about some dolphins that had been let lose after a long time in captivity.

The overstaffing thing reminded me of when I was in Japan and watched a car pull into a gas station only to have about six or seven attendants sprint out to meet the car.

"For you the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life, but for me... it was Tuesday."

@chicanerous: Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

@WolvenOne: Strong, light weight, cheap, ultra portable, and dissolves into nothing in under an hour

@rudecherub: Tony stark made a fully functioning fusion reactor in a cave...

@Launchpad13: I guess Gekko Man doesn't sound as catchy.

@Joe Andersen: In the original Secret Wars #4 Mr.Fantastic get a good look at Spidermans webshooters (when they are buried under the mountain) and comments that to build something that advanced makes a genious on the level of Tony Stark or Richards himself.

@helixjo1: I think his point was that if you could surgically replace the retina and lens of your eyes with this your brain would still continue to do exactly what you described.

@cadenlaguna: And it's kinda hard to hack ye olde wristwatch.

@Graviton1066: Well someone clearly has some serious mental issues and needs psychiatric help...

@BillBaard: Um, what are you smoking? Bicycles are classified as vehicles here in Norway.

Then someone makes a papercraft of the minecraft guy and the world implodes!

@televator: The good thing is that the current generation growing up is almost entirely consisting of people who have played games.

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