
@DJM: Delivery services like UPS have reorganized how they send out their cars based on studies on how ant colonies work.

@nova3930: Hah! That would probably stump the CSI team for some time.

So when you are confronted with a hostage situation you can just ask if they want some snacks and send in a ton of pistachio nuts.

@bob_d: Yes they do. The game industry passed Hollywood (and the rest of the movie industry) a few years back, so it's entirely reasonable to state that games do in fact make more money than movies.

Netbook makers, are you listening? lol

I don't really know anything about the green hornet, but the car looks awesome!

@The5thElephant: Hmm, I'm reminded of the one time I was on a huge boat and the cabins without an actual window had "fake" windows, basically a set of curtains, etc, with a light fixture on the back to simulate a window with the curtains closed.

@demonheart1514: Yup, that design has actually proven to be a lot more efficient than the traditional one.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Actually when I was in Japan I saw a show similar to the more famous "ninja warrior" that had exactly that.

@DRaGZ: In fact, it is probably broken before they can finish opening their mouth!

@Cin: I also loved how he was like: omg I'm poisoned! I'm dying! I can't breathe!!!

@Brian216: And what proof did you yourself add?

@Dezerus Richardson: No you don't, Chrome supports flash, and since flash has its own H264 drivers it doesn't really matter if Chrome has H264 drivers or not.

@Arken: Well the greater populace seem to love Hollywood action movies, and they get most basic facts wrong all the time.

@NathanThurm: And since there always is a steady supply of newborn kids that will need the vaccine eventually you pretty much have a never ending demand for your product!

@bombastinator: Only the actual "tent-poles" need to be air tight though, so the tent canvas doesn't have to be anything out of the ordinary.