
Gah, as I didn't have enough books on my reading list already.

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@Stupiderthanthou: Well in Honeycomb you won't have to bother with any silly buttons that say which is the dominant orientation.

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Great overview of Honeycomb that shows what's in store for these tablets once they come out.

@rhoa23: If you use Fire Fox you can use an extension called "Download Helper" that let's you download embedded flash videos (and other media types).

@Roklimber: I remembered wrong, it wasn't a test done by nasa after all, but the part about 10 RPM was still true. Updated my earlier post with source link of the actual study.

@corpore-metal: See my posts above for why that wouldn't be necessary.

@CVDon: Luckily it turns out that spin rates comfortable for humans is a lot higher than previously thought:

@Roklimber: Actually some more recent studies have shown that spin rates up to 10RPM is completely comfortable for humans after a short acclimation period. And even better, the same test showed that the astronauts would be able to exit the centrifuge without needing to repeat the acclimation when re-entering.

@Dregas: Actually I read a NASA paper a few years back that expressedly stated that their astronauts were unable to get it up properly while in space.

@hdgotham: Normally gravity ensures that the majority of fluids in your body is pooled in your legs, but in microgravity the blood pressure is equalized across the entire body.

@Ninety-9: My GF gets around the palm sensitivity problem by wearing fingerless gloves while painting.

@ps61318: I'm sure there was some kind of tablet/pda/whatever that did in fact use a BT stylus to allow for pressure sensitivity w/o an active digitizer, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

@ps61318: He was talking about the Asus Eee Pad MeMo, which does indeed have a pressure sensitive stylus despite being Android based and having no Wacom.

@Curves: Reminds me of one time I was visiting a friend:

@daqman: And the blue dots are X-Ray sources, another thing which you won't be taking pictures of with just any old camera.

@PenitentPenguin: Trying to run a standard DSLR for extremely long exposures they get hot enough that they automatically shut down to prevent the sensor from overheating and damaging the camera.

@Bluecold: And the blue dots are X-Rays.

@mikecoscia: It runs Win7 according to Engadget, the Razor software is just a skin atop windows.