
@QLAB: Well the Asus Slate cost about the same as an equally sized Cintiq, but it's an actual pc rather than just a screen+digitizer.

Hmm, maybe there is something too it.

@QLAB: My TC1100 from 2004 has a Wacom digitizer, and the new tablet Asus unveiled yesterday had a Wacom digitizer too.

@Xiados: Afaik somone the comments of that io9 article pointed out that the actual article that those speed claims were supposedly "based on" didn't actually supports such speeds at all, not even by half.

@UKStory135: Apparently their new tech doesn't halve the resolution, they essentially moved the active shutter from the lenses of the glasses to just in front of the backlight of the TV.

@The MSJ: And it looks like they use it for pretty much the same effect here.

No mention of WH40K in an epic shoulderpad article?

So I'll eventually be able to install windows on that Asus Eeepad Slider?

@allstyle777: Most current small scale fuel cells use methanol, or something similar.

Reminds me of the soft wooden pillows I saw when in Japan.

@pastaman44: Here in Norway all stores taped over the magnetic strips on their card terminals about half a year ago. Now its chip only.

Luckily for me all ATMs where I live use the exact same design, so it incredibly easy to see when someone tries things like this.

Thinking outside the box at it's finest.

@mfrazee3193: And even if it malfunctioned the firemen could easily run up/down just as easily as on a regular ladder.

@GranMastaB614: It's basically a conveyor belt, not a traditional escalator at all, so no set incline required at all.