

Now that's brilliant. A truly moving idea.

@foofad: I like how you spent 7 paragraphs trying to bludgeon down my argument with brute force, yet somehow managed not only completely miss the point, but fail to make any valid points of your own.

@Wolfsheim: I also loved how they bumped into like a bajillion people on the way out the door, yet when they immolated the guy right there on the sidewalk there was not a single soul to be seen anywhere...

@diasdiem: Nice timing on their part XD

@mipakr: Hyper AMOLED Plus Pro 64 TURBO

@RaindropBebop: And you also cut the weight of your tablet in half as well, which comes in handy when you are on the move.

@Qwxptlz: Yup, I remember a Tablet PC exactly like that in 2004.

*Looks a the Eee Pad Slider*

@dyowell: It has a Wacom Digitizer...

@John_Hazard: They have made flexible eInk displays, once it gets thin enough it could make for one badass Rorschach mask.

@Captain_Tripps: In a few years those foldable AMOLDED displays will finally be commercially available and someone rich will be able to do the best Rorschach cosplay ever.

@foofad: Look at my first reply.

@Ultraseamus: Yup, the error-checking idea come to me too, you could put like 900 out of every 1000 cycles to do the computation, and the remaining 100 to do a weighted average of the result of the 900 preceding ones.

@foofad: They are not bad and lazy anymore than cubism is bad and lazy, or surrealism is bad and lazy.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: That's not reverse Darwinism, it's just plain old Darwinism.