@tetracycloide: The Japanese are working on it though.
@Clutchman83: Don't worry, according to the article a bit earlier placebos work even if we know they are placebos.
@-MasterDex-: And being a flip-up would also help protect the screen.
@VYCanisMajoris: Holy Shit!
@ZenInsight: Hey I live in Norway, there is enough chill for everybody =P
@ZenInsight: Look brah. I just find it funny that about a bajillion people are so incredibly close minded that they can't even fathom a little snow.
@corpore-metal: +1
@CrispyAardvark: Surprisingly enough they are actually terrible for racing on snow, only works well on ice.
@Ceropegius: On Earth, sure, but not everywhere. Building a space elevator on mars is possible with materials available today.
@ViperVin: No you are thinking about it in a completely wrong manner.
@Ceropegius: Interestingly enough the fact that mars spins at roughly the same rate as the earth, but only have 1/3rd the gravity means that if the empire state building had been built on mars it would be structurally strong enough to reach all the way into mars geosynchronous orbit.
@carpe_k9006: Oooops, meant to type twice as dense as fat...
@Lizard_King: You can unlock the phone with your nose, but I guess that isn't practical when wearing a motorcycle helmet.
@dufus: Or just do it like the rest of us and unlock your phone with your nose.
@spline9: Actually it is impossible for professional swimmers to float.
@two-oh-sickness: The green is a cloud of boiling copper.