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@ImUrOBGYN: Apparently they do make some modern day vehicles with this kind of drive system.

@Dirt Pirate: Apparently the screws are essentially hollow tubes, so it should work just fine in water afaik.

No wonder River Tam was so messed up.

We have manipulated the genes of mice to make them glow in the dark, so obviously Rudolf is an example of Santas genetical engineering skills.

@jethro1138: When you have finished Season 2 you can check out what other niners though about it here: #Misfits

In a similar vein to Hancock you have Misfits, the UK TV series about a bunch of delinquents who get superpowers.

Niiiice. I bet NASA and co are really psyched about this.

Blindsight was awesome. It also reminds me of Babylon 5.

@crosis101: Fun fact: When they shot the first take of the famous chestburster scene the only actor who knew what was going to happen was the one being chestbursted.

Maybe Dark Matter is really Dark Stars?

Number 1 reminds me of this:

@Nivenus: She is doing a figure 8 with her foot without actually turning, it's a really clever illusion.

@Haneyg: Click On the Gif to see it.

Best santa hat ever XD