So it is made out of cheese after all!
So it is made out of cheese after all!
@nicklar: So you also want to kill the entire editorial staff of the New York Times as well?
@Zubieta: Try checking your video cameras manual to see if it has an "syncro scan" option.
Another Video, Shows the keyboard in action near the end.
Being a bit OCD I couldn't get over the fact that they didn't sync the refresh rate of the screen to the camcorder.
@TheRatkiller: Afaik the reason they went with the triple panel layout was because of the widescreen layout.
The Cake is a Lie.
@Kamatari +: In case you missed my reply to TanyaRei: see above.
@TanyaRei: Yes, you can.
@TanyaRei: Yes it can.
@Baby Benz needs a '66 Imperial convertible to keep it company: Did someone mention lowered trucks?
@TanyaRei: Theoretically, yes. Because the 3DS can do multiple cartridges...
@8x10: Click On the Gif.
@DrMathochist: Anybody who truly knows QM realize that their interpretation is both right and wrong at the same time.
@Kirbysuperstar: +1000000000
@Jonn: The sad thing is that you are most likely wrong, most people never do even 10 seconds of research about anything.
@Annalee Newitz: And they did let him weasel his way out of that whole "being under control of Lucifer" thing he had going on.
@tomatO_-: Ahahaha, Priceless!