
Someone give her a green ring stat!

Man the actor playing Death is amazing.

@UgoBogdan: Um, you might want to brush up on your history lessons there.

@m57: Drug Mules have been found with up to 1.2Kg of drugs in their stomach cavity, do you intend to ban humans from boarding planes too?

Actually that ski car thingy existed in Russia, I'm 110% sure Jalopnik had an article about it.

@Grglstr: Just make all of them get snipped if they chose to go to mars, I bet a lot of people would be willing to make that sacrifice if it meant being one of the first human beings to ever set foot on the planet.


Man I'd live in that tugboat any day of the week.

@The Pr1nce: Yup, instead we are simply throwing those baby fetuses into medical incinerators instead.

@GMM: Yup, that was the way I looked at it too.

@itscarin: Hostess clubs are a different hing altogether. (although they obviously share a few similarities)

@kathotdog: While western fans of Japanese stuff has co-opted the term to describe themselves it has mostly negative connotations in Japanese.

@ЖЕНЯ Gelbelman: Women can go to Host bars and pay for attractive young men to our them drinks and talk to them about whatever they want, etc.

Bone soup?