@Arken: I know that when they brought some frog eggs up into space to watch them grow they turned into Lovecraftian nightmares.
@Arken: I know that when they brought some frog eggs up into space to watch them grow they turned into Lovecraftian nightmares.
@artiofab: *Right Click*
Now watch them complain that the PC version doesn't sell as well as the console versions...
@ServoCannotHoverOverGrates: Because you get those exact same urges all the time, and those urges cause you to look up all the time, and 99,9999% of those times nothing happens, so you forget about it afterwards.
@JesusDeSaad: Yeah that one is fantastic, I really hate it every time I'm reminded of it.
@ServoCannotHoverOverGrates: Easy, we already know exactly why you think this happens: It's called confirmation bias.
@Decoy_Doctorpus: ROFL!
@Skunky: Haha Invincible Mario looks incredibly happy XD
@Mike Ott: why the hell did you comment the first time, it's not funny... it's not insightful... it's nothing... some 13 year old ranting because he forgot his Ritalin... seriously, Mike Ott... why???
@Commisar: What if your computer is destroyed, or the power for your computer goes out, or you go out of business?
@AssuntaPabsy: Any cloud computing company already backs up their data, and they probably use a more robust and secure backup solution than what 99,999999999999999999999999% of their users would actually bother to use themselves.
@minibeardeath: Well we have already made cars that can drive more or less semi-autonomously, so if they add a limited version of that tech into this they could make the cars auto-disengage the "follow" mode if they sense you veering off the road.
@sans_fi: Yeah, that one was much better.
@Cheney Guevara: AFAIK The current Marvel incarnation of Thor isn't an actual god anymore, but rather an alien from a civilization with so advanced technology it seems like magic to us.
@cinnamonster: "In some types of superstring theory—the basis of fuzzball theory—the extra dimensions of spacetime are thought to take the form of a 6-dimensional Calabi–Yau manifold."
@corpore-metal: There are exactly 10 species of science fiction fans:
@agregg86: Recently they finally began to listen to their players in FFXI. This just so happened to start right around the time the head of FFXI stepped down to focus all his attention on FFXIV.
@BeyondtheTech: There are 10 types of people:
@ȝɴɨɓɯɑʈɨɔ ʂɘɐɭ: Ohh, Nice catch.
Now that's thinking outside the box.