
@Martin L. Cahn: I just laughed out loud, remember how she can see peoples memories when she touches them?

@corpore-metal: Actually Japan has robotic fighting competitions already.

@Naro27: There was that short scene when they were outside facing each other and the robot seemed to mimic his punches.

@gerrylum: I rewatched it just now and you're right, he did say "you and your family".

@Mai Work: And the Angry Birds developers specifically mentioned this was caused by driver issues, not because the phones couldn't run it.

@gmuslera: Um, you might want to re-watch that scene.

@Mai Work: Actually most of those phones can actually run Angry Birds just fine, the developers have even said as much and that they are working on it right now.

@akacrash: I also found it very interesting that he said something about her being the only one who had gotten powers permanently.

I agree that having something bad happen to the Powells was long overdue, It simply removed too much suspense when everyone learning of their secrets was conveniently getting assassinated or sideswiped by cars.

@Michael Scrip: Sure apples 4% might have a disproportionally large amount of developers now, but just look at how the PC wars turned out for them.

@Mai Work: Hilariously enough, there's a fairly huge list of iOS devices that Infinity Blade just plain won't run on because the OS doesn't matter as much as the hardware.

@1Opinion: Yup, as long as you were in earths orbit or closer it would be like being trapped inside a thermos while having a heat lamp pointed at you.

@BurningHeat: I guess that spaceship could also be a way to get the Ark into the movie continuity.

@amazingmao: Yup, and if freedom of speech wasn't being enforced those same people would still have lost their kids to psychopaths anyway!