

Joanna you have poked the beehive of Brit Brit lovers that is the main demographic of Jezebel. I happen to have enjoyed your last sentence about the “unyielding passage of time” but that is because I am nearing 50 and know that the passage of time is a motherfucker. Many here are much younger and want to believe that


I think he is evil incarnate. His aw shucks, down-home, Gomer Pyle, manner belies a man of incredible hatred who thinks, and this is the scary part, that all his opinions are backed by GOD.

I like how you noticed that “(the evangelicals bestest friends ever when advocating for war, the rest of the time, not so much)“. Drives me nuts. My mother in law, a screwy dispensationalist fundamentalist Christian sends money to Israel to support their country. They believe that Jesus has to come back and rebuild

Well put. If everyone kept the fuck off everyone else’s lawn their would be no war at all.

Good for Trinity St. Clair. I have been following her career since she started porn and this is a big break for her since it will get lots of eyeballs. I think she is very appealing.

I love not giving a shit what people think about me. One of the reasons that I like to post on this blog!

Can anyone say Narcissist?

They have morphed into troll dolls. It is so hard to fathom that certain individuals were so awaiting their 18th birthday a few years back. Why? They also resemble Gollum.

I tend to agree. I hate that we are on a god damned hamster wheel in the US. If people want to party and take a day off that they have earned as per their work agreement, then let them. People need some space and need to excrcise a little personal freedom from time to time to remind themselves that they are not cattle

Glad you have been bringing up all this pantyhose nostalgia Kelly. I remember literally every one of those tv ads you posted. They were just part of the fabric of tv commercials throughout my earliest youth up to my graduation from high school. I loved seeing those ads and the print ads. Pantyhose just seemed the

Maybe that is one of the reasons I love pantyhose. The commercials seemed to promise glamour of some sort.


Lol. Yes this is Don Draper and I am sitting here smoking and drinking a highball as I look at my new issue of Playboy on this hot Sunday afternoon! I just spilled some ashes on my smoking jacket. “Hun, would you be a dear and wash this at once for me...!”, I yell out to Betty.

Fine and dandy. Don’t have to wear any of it if you don’t want to. Free country still.

I suppose you are right. But I think it is hilarious that despite your loathing of pantyhose, younger women are finding them and wearing them much to the delight of us “Gen-X and older guys”!

The bitterness on this subject just amazes me. I think it was because it was forced on you. I think adults should dress as they wish. I don’t mind the idea of uniforms for school children but after that wear what you will. I think Millennials see hosiery as what it should be seen as, an option that makes sense at

Just from sampling the replies it looks like Petula is in the minority here. This is obviously an issue that can not be solved. The overheated like me and the blocks of ice are not going to ever be completely happy in a public environment like an office. I am lucky to work in laboratories where we have cold rooms to