Exactly. There is a world of difference.
Exactly. There is a world of difference.
I don't think any smart reader is going to actually Google that Mark!
I think your case is the exception, not the rule. Depends of course on your company, your job and whether or not your state is a "right to work" state. I had to sign one for my current job but was recently told by an outgoing manager that the non-compete clause is not worth the paper its printed on.
That was a great parody of what has become a tedious genre of film.
There is no organization I despise more than FOF. Those fuckers have been promoting hate of anyone different then them for a long time now. Dobson used to have a lot sway back in the Bush days. He must just hate that things are not going his way anymore.
This is code for a sexist old shit!
Two words: Dan Schneider. I think that there might be something to all the rumors that swirl around that guy. What she is attributing to her father may be something that in actuality Dan perpetrated on her.
Hi Kelly. For starters I enjoyed your review. I mean who doesn't know what this movie is about by now anyway?! It has bled into the pop zeitgeist. Secondly, the whole end times scenario involving the Rapture is very Protestant and unfortunately very prevalent. A century ago it wasn't but as the Fundamentalists have…
I love that Ariana is nuts as well as rude. We are going to be hearing a lot more from this girl.
I love this. We can all live vicariously through her on this Monday morning. Thanks for posting it.
The share the same manager so this is not far from the truth...like attracts like.
I am starting to think that this summer of Ariana Grande may be the LAST summer of Ariana Grande. Let the implosion continue.
Pat can't make sense of the world he lives in. It is time for his god to take him. And take James Dobson while he's at it. And Dick Cheney too. And turtleman Mitch Mcconnell from Congress. And basically the rest of that generation that is trying with its feeble strength to still steer the boat that has been out of…
We expect unconditional love from our parents but I guess there is no law stating that they have to love us in an unconditional manner. Some parents literally care nothing for their children. I am a first born and have tried to please them in most areas of my life. But since I hit my 40's I have realized how foolish I…
Interesting. Another case where country bumpkins are holding back needed progress.
You are hip to what they are doing. I really believe that this is a strategy that is being used. Within the next 6 months we will see exactly what you are talking about. One of the airlines will take out the couple of extra rows they have crammed into their planes and put back the seating configuration that the…
I'm glad you posted this Mark. I feel sad that this is what a lot of "family" ends up being. I am a straight man but I have always had the feeling that I would have been treated similarly to this man and yourself if I had come out to my parents when I was young or maybe even now (though it wouldn't be so scary now…
You would think he would have rudimentary access to the internet by now right?! I can see him trying to use one of his bogarted AOL floppy disks to try to get on the internet that he has heard is full of porn and anti-Christmas fervor.
This is genius. You don't know how many hours of thought I have given to such pursuits. And I am sure most men have done some experimenting around the house if they would be honest about it. Why else did we all laugh at the scene in American Pie?! Horniness often equals creativity.
I so agree with you. I am the first person in the world to criticize how quickly police officers use deadly force in reaction to some small slight and these are men and women who have hours and hours of training on use of their weapons and how to handle situations that might arise in their line of work. So I am…