I bought the Collector's Edition and it's AMAZING. I have it for both Vita and PS3 -
My gripes have nothing to do with the game itself - I already love it more than all but maybe 2 other games in existence.
They are:
I bought the Collector's Edition and it's AMAZING. I have it for both Vita and PS3 -
My gripes have nothing to do with the game itself - I already love it more than all but maybe 2 other games in existence.
They are:
Your willful ignorance is your own business. The sad part is that, in your own twisted little mind, you think I'm the insane one. Hopefully the shock of reality won't be too harsh for you if/when it eventually occurs. Have fun in your fantasy world while it lasts.
Mobile games etc. etc.
My problem with this is it takes the superior game [Morrowind, with its stats-based, character-based systems] and replaces it with superior graphics but the inferior gameplay of Post-Morriwind TES games [more and more based on reaction time and twitch mechanics, rather than the character's stats].
Starmade is one I prefer, personally.
Skyrim gameplay sucked so I will still play Morrowind to this day. Graphical fidelity won't do anything for me.
Now if they could just mod Morrowind and give it Skyrim graphics. I think i'd like that much more. :P
I know you have lost your way in recent years. I know the allure of copying W-Dev because you think it will make your games obscenely profitable is there - please don't do it. Please find your way again.
You are a fusion of two of the biggest companies whose games shaped my childhood - in point of fact, my…
Awesome stuff! Like I said before, I have absolutely no problems with boob giggling physics, as much as I don't have a problem with this. Or other stuff that won't be interpreted as "male power fantasy" and other similar terms.
I don't know what it could be though... probably closer to bishounen androginy stuff. BL,…
Stop objectifying men damn it! We're people, not sex objects to be oogled over or mindless killing machines who obediently follow the orders of our masters!
This is all just another male power ego trip fantasy being sold to demoralize the American public. Where are the women in this? Women can have penises if they so choose. And what's with the pyramid? A more fallic symbol couldn't have been chosen, as if all men can do is conquer the highest points with no help at all.…
This is unacceptable objectification of the male form and I demand that it be take down. Myn do no exist for the pleasure of women.
Abandoning the CORE RPG system of tactical combat via a turn-based full-party control system completely is why I will probably never buy this, or any future FF game if they keep going this direction.
When gamers said no to DRM, I never realized DRM stood for Don Reginald Mattrick...
No one needs a super slim.
Feminists have pretty much outlawed masculinity. That's not "in my head." I'm fairly certain that's common knowledge for all but the brainwashed.
Congrats on being a well-trained mangina.
"Absent the intent to shame or the image we'd rather have of our lovers, I fail to see how voluntary models and discreet customers pursuing different modes of dress shames men."