Let's examine that for a moment, though -
Let's examine that for a moment, though -
For those of you youngsters that don't know, the song is about the death of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper in a plane crash, and how it affected the musicians and the public consciousness at the time.
I haven't had this good a laugh all day - you call out media for infantilizing women, and yet your victim-status-for-sale ideology does exactly that.
So, why'd they do this, Ollie?
What's that? The guy who shoe-horns multiplayer into games that don't need it, refuses to release single-player only games at all, spearheaded always-on DRM and who was fully complicit in both online passes and on-disc DLC has been canned?
So, have you been taking bias talking points from Patricia, or are you the one giving them to her now?
Notice though, that he doesn't say "Shove your gift down everyone's throat whether they want it or not"?
I'm surprised at that, because you say you dislike ATB and prefer traditional turn-based - X-2 uses a modified ATB-based class system, but X uses what they called the "Active-Turn Battle System" rather than "Active-Time Battle System". So your actions use up a certain amount of time that changes turn order, but you…
Well, he's not a bad person, but his parents broke the law. VISA is not intended as a license to immigrate, it's a temporary permit.
This one is obviously older, but, FFX would be right up your alley.
Indie Man to the Rescue!
Please, God. NOT EA.
Kids with two moms will be considered as normal as kids with male-female parents and a new iteration of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy will be on the air only it will now be called Human Eye for Unfashionable Human People because, in the future, gender and sexual orientation are just a couple of flexible concepts that…
Oh yes. Because being pleasing to your partner or looking after their needs is so horrible.
Wasn't that American McGee's Alice?
My guess is that they require more vespene gas.... and everyone knows the modern French are full of hot air.
Yuna Lady Luck is amazing! Finally someone who has the figure for her, does her... my day is better now.
+>9000 for the Jezebel jab.
You mean to say, anyone who doesn't agree with your Progressivist paradigm isn't allowed to discuss, don't you?