"That's not my Dante" - Hideki Kamiya
"That's not my Dante" - Hideki Kamiya
It is not disingenuous to compare it to prior games when it uses the same title and the same character.
OR: Mainstream gamers and gaming sites didn't like Devil May Cry for what it was, and so now that it's been raped and turned inside out and stitched back together with stuff they thought it "should" have had, they like it.
I whole-heartedly agree.
I came here thinking it was because she's been permanently disemboweled, never to be used in a game again.
My questions would have been:
"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
Why not just protect both like they are supposed to be?
They have continually imported more and more liberal propagandists disguised as writers, and those posts that aren't traffic baiting by same "writers" hired after the most recent editor-in-chief change, are sponsored posts from zynga or apple.
My deal-breakers:
Don't tell feminists that. They're still trying to synthesize sperm and commit genocide of human males because we're dirty and we don't take their ridiculous orders.
Glad to know that you detest an entire gender unless you control its every move.
Neither is Feminism. Or Marxism. Or eternal Victimhood.
Ninja Theory doesn't even know that Kamiya made DevilMayCry, and that he is, in fact, not Hideo Kojima?
Still shitty, still loaded with progressivist overtones, still way easier, and still lost the spirit of the original games.
First, thank you for actually desiring discourse, rather than hyperbolic exchange.
I'm more partial to this, but that could be because it's better driving music for my Camaro.